It's called Gucci Diamond Plus Online Collection and the new collection of designer purses sold exclusively on the online store. useless then rush to order a boutique, with a few clicks you directly at home with all the exclusivity of a capsule collection created especially for the e-commerce platform.
The Personal Shopper Modalizer could not but take a look at the showcase.
There are 6 pieces of the collection: two gucci bags, two wallets and two covers, one for the Blackberry and one for the Hall.The average stock Sukey xon detail fold, the pendant with the brand logo detachable, with metal studs, metal accessories in pale gold, double handles, automatic locking front and side zippered pocket inside and is on sale at a price of €595 .
Available in 8 colors.
The average bag, size 44 x 22.5 x 36 cm, and for sale at a price of €570.
Available in 5 colors.
For those who are already projected in digital could not miss two specially designed accessories: custioda for the Blackberry and custioda iPad. The first is size 9.5 x 11.5 cm and is on sale at a price of €100, the other is size 22 x 26 cm and is specifically designed to protect the touch screen, with suede lining and closing loop tape. The iPad housing is available in 3 colors, the black version for the Blackberry.
Finally portfolios. there are 2 different sizes. A pocket size 10 x 11 cm with six compartments for credit cards and 2 for other notes, the Continental model of size 19 x 10 cm with pockets for 12 cards and 3 note compartments, zip up and down internal zip wallet pocket. Light gold metal accessories complement the design of this beautiful portfolios for sale on the online store at a price of €300.